New Music Review - ‘The Tapes’ Album by Wells*

Another present received in 2021 - Wells* released this incredible album on the 23rd December, with heartfelt emotion and many different paths of stories. Image credit: Wells* Instagram.

Wells* has recently given us a gift in the form of a 16-track album of songs, old and new, on his newest art in the form of The Tapes Etc.

The Tapes Etc opens up a world of entirely new possibilities with all of the tracks that Wells* has put out there for us to have a listen to. The album feels very thoughtful and like a whole lifetime of stories that he has been wanting to tell us and is finally able to do so with these magical paragraphs that have been put into words that can not be described as anything less than shining stars. Sit back, take your pick of a song and settle down with a coffee to have a listen and read this review at the same time.

The Tapes Etc is a treat of an album and Wells* shares his depth with us and really drives us to another city with every unique mix that is tied together. You’ve got everything from acoustic to mid-bass to pop elements and it doesn’t go unappreciated how each song is relatively unlike the last.

Therapy Summer is one of my personal favourites off the album, it’s a rather chilled out song and it holds a lot of emotion in it, exuding quite a power play within the range of vocalism and sunshine it lets out. This is possibly the most danceable song off the entire album and incredibly well sung, too.

Jealous is a highly enjoyable tune - it expresses just how Wells* feels about someone he cares about and he tends to get in the zone with this upbeat song that will have you feeling Jealous on behalf of the girl that he is singing about. It is a light-hearted song that doesn’t intend to make anyone feel hurt, it’s just thoughts inside his head explained. Very easy to feel parallel with.

Depressed is pretty self explanatory - however, though this is also quite light-hearted, I do just want to advise that while it may be relatable, it is about depression and if you’re feeling this way, make sure to talk to a professional. Depressed is especially catchy and you’ll be singing it in the shower, for definite. Wells* certainly likes to name his songs after emotions, which is quite a fun concept and helps him remain true to what his particular music style is. Very Wells* like. Love it.

Any Time Soon comes across as a near break-up song in a way. Wells* sings about thinking his partner is going to be cutting him loose soon and how he is hurt by the actions previously carried out by this particular person. They’ve tried to piece him back together, however, he mentions he never felt glued together. Any Time Soon will give take you on a metaphorical rollercoaster and take you to new heights. A stunning track.

As The Tapes Etc is quite a romantic-based album for 99% of the tunes, it may not be for everybody, however the way it has been curated and clearly thought out makes it a really wonderous listen. I would recommend at least checking out a few of the tracks before you make up your mind on what you think about it. Overall, the concept of the album and what Wells* puts out is pure gold.

Wells* is a lyrical genius, can we all just agree on that one?! I really cannot wait for more music from him and with his collaborators in the future.

Find more Wells* below -



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