New Music Review - ‘Follow Me’ by The Raddlers

The delightfully wonderful artwork for Follow Me! Art by Megan Grautstuck. This really depicts what the band are all about.

It’s so good to see you again, how you been, my friend?

The Raddlers are here to exclaim that they aren’t playing around with their single, Follow Me, released on Friday last week and wow, what a release to start this year feeling fresher than ever.

Follow Me is dashing, fun and certainly a step in a slightly different direction for The Raddlers, who are always looking to expand and improve on what they have previously created.

I personally wonder each time how this five-piece can consistently keep making delightful music when they’ve already released such top quality EPs in the past, however, they certainly have hit the nail in the board harder with Follow Me, a release so powerful that makes you want to dance around at 3am. (Can confirm this is 100% accurate and based on true thoughts).

Follow Me is down-to-earth and sends out all of those signals telling you that The Raddlers are back and ready for a big 2022. Get your best shoes on and let’s get dancing!

Living in different cities doesn’t stop these five talented lads coming together to create such tunes that will have you gripped from the moment you hear them, a very special thing that they are able to balance and do. The Raddlers may sometimes be far apart, but they piece the puzzle back together each and every time to bring us a sizzler. Careful, this track is far warmer than you think. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

The Raddlers are not shy on showing emotion or even putting everything on the line musically to bring us only the best of what they have to offer, which really pulls through on their first single release since 2020.

Follow Me has some great grooves and some hooks that are highly energetic and will have you wishing you could be on stage with the band when you hear it at their upcoming tour. (Tickets available now!)

I like how thoughtful it is, yet it is not a hard song to tune into. You can feel the depth, but you can also feel the lightness at the same time, something that The Raddlers are more than capable of doing time and time again, without it getting stale.

You’ve got some fun aspects of the track - from moments of claps to either a tambourine or some egg shakers thrown in which take it to another level of pizazz. Bloody lovely.

Honestly, everything that is encompassed within Follow Me feels like you’re sitting down with an old friend and absolutely smashing life which is something I personally love to hear.

This is a song that you need to listen to, then recommend it to your pals and then they recommend it to their pals, so on and so forth. Just whatever you do, don’t think “I’ll listen to it later” and come back a year on and have not listened to it. You need Follow Me in your life right now. Don’t waste time, get on your bike and head over to Spotify to have an epic jam fest.

Fun fact: The Raddlers were my first ever write-up and interview for the blog, if you wish to check it out, you can read the interview here.


Follow Me (no, sorry, The Raddlers) below!


Hey there, thanks for reading this review, you’re too awesome and I like that. If you’d like to get in touch with me regarding any reviews/interviews or features, please see the top of the site (Instagram is best) to chat.


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