New Music Review - ‘Chapter 1: Sirens and Fire’ the EP by Fraser McCarthy

Chapter 1: Sirens and Fire by Fraser McCarthy is available to stream now. Released on the 12 August 2022. Artwork by Sheridan D.

Christchurch local, Fraser McCarthy, has just given the universe a special release of one of three EPs last Friday.

Breaking down each into different categories, Sirens and Fire is the first of the three to make its debut onto all streaming platforms.

Sirens and Fire is a four-track EP that harbours teeth-gritting truths and mellowed down stories that will perk your ears up for a proper good listening session this week.

Sirens and Fire is evolutionary for the folk genre within New Zealand, with Fraser’s slightly gruff vocals intertwining with many different elements to make a perfect blend of music, much like your favourite Starbucks coffee in the morning.

Fraser knows how to hit all the right movements within the four tracks of Sirens and Fire, setting up a hard to beat destruction of epic that he holds within his musical abilities.

Sirens and Fire has been deep-rooted into the ground, proving that we are just getting to see the beginning of what Fraser has in store for us and his next two EPs are going to piece together a whole lot of life stories to compliment this one.

Sirens and Fire has songs for those craving a hit of new music and those who are looking to expand their taste.

My personal favourite track is the title track, Sirens and Fire, as it deals with a lot of emotion to do with mental health, something I personally am very passionate about and can relate to wholly.

Run this up on your playlist and let the magic of Fraser’s talents take you to another place.

You can find Fraser at the below links -



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