New Music Review - ‘Can You Hear Me Now’ by Little Sunday

How lovely is the cover for Little Sunday’s new EP - Sun Down, coming very shortly! Following on from their previous release, Sun Up.

Talented North Island-based band, Little Sunday, are about to release their second EP of 2021, Sun Down, which comes shortly after they let us in with the first half of this project, which came out a couple months ago and has been on rotation on many playlists since then!

Today, they released their next single off Sun Down which is dutifully called Can You Hear Me Now which aligns with Little Sunday’s values and what they are trying to convey in terms of climate change which has been frustrating for the band to see nothing being properly done about it and leaders letting it just wash over them like a light shower of rain.

Arthur told me that this song was written during the summer of 2019/2020 where the Australian bushfires were taking over every news outlet and also washing over the skies here in New Zealand, as well. Can You Hear Me Now has the voices of Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough to capture your attention to the issue at hand.

Can You Hear Me Now is a powerful song that has been written with a heavy heart, fielding a lot of emotion that has been bought from the bottom up to evaluate how the world can change the climate issues. How do we get through to these leaders that are not listening or putting their feet forward to get something done?

Little Sunday bring in their alternative-rock sound and make sure that the track stands out on its own with everything they have put into it. They have drawn inspiration from Australian rockers, Ocean Alley, who bring their basslines to the forefront of their songs and make it highly noticeable - the more noise you make, the more likely it will for you to be heard. That is the intention with this song I believe and it feels as though Little Sunday are going to make a great impact with sharing this to the universe of listeners that they have.

Can You Hear Me Now cuts deep and it is well deserving to be played not only on the radio, but other places where people can hear this. Politician offices, conferences, meetings, in schools, etc.

Little Sunday are heading in the right direction to become leaders of these bigger issues and I hope that you all will check out the song, share it around and get some attention behind it as Can You Hear Me Now is wildly important and as everyone says, there is no planet B.

Get behind this amazing group of humans and do your part!

You can check out more Little Sunday at the links below - be sure to let them know how great their work is and what they are doing in truly inspiring.




Keep an eye on the blog as this isn’t the last time you will be reading about Little Sunday! Be back in a few weeks for more on these five legends.


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