New Music Review - ‘Alone in the Sunshine’ by Little Sunday

Little Sunday released their newest flowing track, Alone In The Sunshine on Friday, 22 July 2022. PC: Little Sunday’s Instagram.

Alone in the Sunshine is the delightful, sunny release of the week from local-to-Auckland souls, Little Sunday.

The sunglasses are out, the umbrella is up, the sunscreen is on, the drinks are on ice and all you need now is an even warmer vibe to make your day more enjoyable.

Little Sunday certainly deliver on the aspect of turning these cold days into the hottest of days.

From the get go, the single rolls into your mind with the smooth vocal range, the perfectly crisp drum work, incorporated with the other instruments that play a part in making Alone in the Sunshine a blissful experience.

Little Sunday are particularly remarkable in terms of who they are. They continuously push themselves to their creative ends and amaze listeners each time they let something out into the galaxy, which quite literally, is always on another planet.

Alone in the Sunshine feels like there are hints of inspiration from some Mild Orange songs and if you’re familiar with Welcome to the Gig, that gets a major tick in my book. It’s a highly vibrant song that runs at full capacity of greatness.

Alone in the Sunshine is a solid track that will help your mind slow down a little and allows you to appreciate everything around you. Songs like these are a reminder that not every single tune that is put out needs to be fast-paced or of the rock genre to be a purely successful, lovely listen.

While Little Sunday are taking a break from performing for a while, they are not sitting back and relaxing, they are putting a lot of effort into curating their craft of music and having a good time while at it, which we all love to see.

You can stream Alone in the Sunshine on all streaming platforms now and I highly recommend that you do turn it up and feel the heat.

Keep your eyes peeled for more Little Sunday goodness and check out their groovy tunes below!


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