Episode 7: On the Radar

Good evening and thank you for coming back to show your support for Welcome to the Gig! I think you’re epic and appreciate you!

This week is going with the theme of the new segment on the blog - On the Radar! I decided to introduce it onto the podcast as well for this show as it was tricky to think of ideas for this one.

Songs featured on this episode are:

  • This Kinda Day by Mild Orange - this song came about when I didn’t know it was needed the most and speaks many volumes. If you’ve read the interview with Mehrt from MO, you will realise how obsessed I am with this track.

  • More by SOJØURN - how can you NOT love this song?! It’s funky, fun, wonderful. All bliss, great for road trips and having a few cold ones with friends.

  • All at Once by Mackensie Grace - this song has been stuck in my head for a few days now and I love it. Favourite female up-and-comer currently.

  • Lady by Mako Road - many memories attached to this song for me. It reminds me of Summer prior to covid and driving up to Blenheim to see the guys in January 2020. Best. Gig. Ever.

I specifically chose these songs as they are current favourites and ones that are on my personal musical radar and make me feel good. This episode was a lot of fun to record, so hopefully you enjoy it!


If you are based in Christchurch, I am looking for a few guest musicians to come on in studio to be on the show between now and Christmas. Please see the information for social media and email at the top of the website to get in contact!


Episode 8: Fun with Liam and Baily! (First Live EVER!)


Episode 6: Girl Power in the NZ Music Scene