Episode 10: Songs that didn’t make my Wrapped 2021 (but should have)

This week, I wanted to go with a fun theme. I thought… Hmm, what has been popular the past while and it came to mind: Spotify Wrapped 2021. So, here it is. A podcast dedicated to some songs that didn’t (with the exception of one song) make it onto my top Wrapped 2021.

Songs featured on this episode:

  • Angel by Lunar Intruder

  • Eve by Alba Rose

  • Control by Park Rd

  • Can You Hear Me Now by Little Sunday

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and make sure to listen in to Welcome to the Gig again on the 29th December at 8pm! (Got asked to do another show between my usual two weeks - that’s exciting).

If there was an endless amount of airtime, every song of 2021 would be on this podcast. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. There were so many amazing songs released this year and it was hard to choose. These were just a couple of good ones!

Make sure to check out Welcome to the Gig on Instagram and also Facebook.

Much love!


PS: here is the soppy post if you wanted to read it, haha -

Happy (early!) Christmas & New Year from Welcome to the Gig! (Don't worry, this won't be the last post of 2021, but wanted to post this early before the craziness arrives)

Buckle in, this will be long! 2021 hasn't been the most ideal year, however, Welcome to the Gig was born this year. Just a girl with an idea to boost those around the country with a website, turned into something much greater than JUST a blog. It turned into many wonderful opportunities, a radio show, a chance to meet and talk to new people and make some new pals. I would like to mention some special supporters who have been so encouraging and kind on this crazy journey! Mum, Jordy, Sarah, The LAB Music Show, Mehrt from Mild Orange, Lunar Intruder, Carleen - a few who have really been the biggest WTTG supporters!! To Pia and the team Plains FM: Thank you. Thank you for giving this inexperienced broadcaster a shot at having a radio show (still mind blown!) and for being exceptionally kind and patient while I've been learning. What a wonderful team!! To Thomas, Matt, Baily, Liam & Lauren for being on the podcast, I enjoyed having you on so much! To The Raddlers, Lunar Intruder, Minnie from There’s A Tuesday, Big Sima (Lucas), Mehrt from Mild Orange, Jaz Paterson, PARK RD, SOJØURN for allowing me to interview you with some silly questions and for taking the time out to be interviewed by this awkward human. I loved meeting/zooming with you all! To those artists who have approached me for a write-up (unbelievable omg), thank you for sharing your beautiful music! To those who have read the blog, listened to the podcast and actually enjoyed what I do, words are not enough to explain how much your support means. That is the best gift in the entire world bottom line. I bloody love every single one of you SO MUCH and cannot wait for more Welcome to the Gig in 2022!! Much love always, Ashlea (Ash/WTTG) xx


Episode 11: Smells like Summer, ft. Jordy Mills


Episode 9: Ft. Lovely Loveta (Lauren Marshall)