New Music Review - ‘Waltz in the Rain’ by Harry Burt

Lovely artwork created by Natassja. The tune was released on the 1st April 2022.

Silky smooth vocals, accompanied with tones of pure beauty, Waltz in the Rain is the new baby of Christchurch local, Harry Burt, which will take you away to new heights, melting every wonderful, liveable moment into one heartfelt song.

Waltz in the Rain is a piece of composition that brings out that unique way of being able to put pieces together in terms of a very sweet love song. The magic flowing from Harry’s incredibly flawless vocalism is the highlight of this release for me.

Waltz in the Rain offers up what can only be described as partial classical romance energy, all the while, encompassing mature and 70s feels.

Harry clearly has an old soul, understanding the importance of pure romance that comes across both within his song writing and the way that he has delicately placed the track together along with his talented brother, Sam Burt.

Waltz in the Rain has me hooked and for good reason - the song is mellow, fresh and a track that you won’t hear anything remotely similar to on the radio.

Harry has been able to pin this one down perfectly, allowing the goodness to be soaked in by listeners, bringing out some of his best abilities (with more greatness to come).

Waltz in the Rain is something that lovers and people who wish they were in love can enjoy - the uplifting, yet soulful song is one that you will undoubtedly hear being played at future weddings.

The melody is undeniably precious, the guitar softly drifting in with its own power and the whispers capturing those loving heartstring-pulling moments make you catch your breath and have all of the feelings wash over you.

Waltz in the Rain is an exceptionally moving release, especially coming from someone who is so young who has so much more life experience to come.

Harry pursues this new way of fulfilment through his music and whichever step he takes next, I will be eagerly waiting to hear.

You can find Harry on the following social media links below:

Harry on Feature Friday for WTTG


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