New Music Review - ‘Truth’ by Big Sima, ft. Timmy Porter

You’ve always got trust when you’ve got Truth. The artwork for this single has been created by the fantastic Camkilla.

Christchurch MC, Big Sima, AKA Lucas Fahey is here is drop some Truth bombs on us all with the release of his latest offering that is the last song before he releases his fresh LP, Stereotypes Of A Polynesian Misunderstood.

Truth is one exceptionally special release, upon hearing about this latest drop from Big Sima, I immediately thought that it was going to be quite a heavy track, however it offers more of a pass to freedom with the lyrics and the way it all flows together to become what it has.

What I thoroughly enjoy about Truth is that you have two artists with different vocal abilities that have joined forces and made the track a really unique piece of art that everyone would benefit from listening to. If you listen to Timmy’s vocals in Truth, it almost comes across as the echo of words from within both artists’ minds which is something else.

The creativity and the Truth that comes from the track is personal to Big Sima and being able to speak that out in this release is obviously a very important bunch of memories, thoughts and feelings he has been able to put out with realness, absolutely nothing fake to be found here.

With lyrics like “If gave you the mic, would you lend me your hand? All I got are these memories…” the song offers up a lot of perspective, which is what we all need a little bit more of. I find that listening to and reading what Big Sima talks and writes about is very humbling and always has me thinking deeply about subjects that aren’t talked about enough. You can be a listener and like the songs you hear, or you can be an active listener and take on board what artists are saying and I feel that Big Sima has that special knack to ensure that he is getting his valid points across to those willing to hear more than just the music.

The hustle that has gone into this song is incredible - big shout to Tiki Taane who mixed the track down, Benny Tones on the mastering and beat by Encore Beats, Truth is an experience on its own terms and if you’ve not had a moment to listen, I would suggest getting onto that and listening with no distractions.

You can follow both Big Sima and Timmy at the below links -

Big Sima:




Missed my interview with Big Sima last year? Check it out here!


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