New Music Review - ‘Rise’ by Somebody Do Something

Rise is the newest track to be released by Christchurch six-piece, Somebody Do Something. The single was released on the 30th September 2022. PC: SDS Electronic Press Kit.

Rise is the latest jazz/RnB-infused upbeat track that local Christchurch six-piece, Somebody Do Something have released. Filled to the brim with silky, soft tones of melodies and soulful moods all the way through, Rise has this special aura that breaks through the boundaries of what the normal expectation of musical releases are all about and brings more than their fair share of goodness to the table.

Somebody Do Something create this fantastical, romantic setting through their tunes, this comes down to the multitude of instruments that are being utilised, such as a violin and a saxophone, things that aren’t as common in bands, however, are making their way through to be heard spectacularly once again.

Rise harbours this story of a relationship that has gotten past the honeymoon stage and has turned into the normalcy of what relationships have to offer, however, even though the time spent with your other half has become more ordinary and mundane, there tends to always be more room to grow and discover things about each other that you didn’t know about while in the early stages. Somebody Do Something continue to bring this lush taste throughout the entirety of the pages of Rise and it feels like a book that could go on forever, telling this love story. It’s very visionary.

When listening to Somebody Do Something, you will notice their ambition to set the highest of standards for their releases - they each have these different energies that can be bought to the table which accelerate the unique perspective of each band member which I personally love.

Rise will make you feel lighter and richer in many ways, so give it a spin right now and find out for yourself!

Find Somebody Do Something at the below links -

Callum and Ash on the WTTG Podcast


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