New Music Review - ‘Outerworlds' EP, Lunar Intruder

The beautiful illustration of art was created by the amazing Riley Hewett once again!

The beautiful illustration of art was created by the amazing Riley Hewett once again!

Welcome to phase two of the Lunar Intruder world and what a phase it is to be pulled into!

Outerworlds is the latest EP release from my good friends, Lunar Intruder, which was released today and it is an absolute cracker. Cam, Matt, Tom and Matt - what have you done because my mind has taken a complete detour all day to listen to your outstanding new music! It honestly feels like these four cannot do anything wrong. It is definitely different to their first release of Solar Hangover, nearly a year ago and I LOVE it.

In Outerworlds, you can hear that the band have found their ultimate Lunar Intruder sound, which is what their aim was - they are continuously evolving through the universe to find what feels like them, experimenting with different sounds and playing around with mixes they may not have thought of previously.

This perfectly crafted release is going to take you to the next level and make you froth. So, sit back and get ready for a review of the EP, broken down track by track (all opinions are my own and not what the songs necessarily are about, so you will need to form your own opinions about them!)


  1. Far From Shore: The opening track to Outerworlds and rightly so - this song truly sets the scene of what is to come musically on this fresh off the press release. It is a very subtle song, with good elements of the instruments being played and it has catchy lyrics that you for sure will be singing for quite some time. Far From Shore opens with a sweet guitar solo and we don’t have to wait too long for Cam to start telling us a story with the track. Now, I'm not the type of person to really visualize a setting with songs, but with this one, each time while listening to it, I can see two people literally far from shore who have lost their way together, maybe indicating that their relationship/friendship has gone awry. One of them is trying to row both back to safety, but the other just doesn’t seem interested in repairing the brokenness of the “ship", if you will. You'll understand my explanation once you hear the song itself!

  2. Angel: A classic Lunar track. This time around, the drums are what makes the song slide into what it is and I thoroughly enjoy that about Lunar's music, the introduction to each song is nowhere near the same as the last. Angel gets everybody going at Lunar gigs - one I know that the boys are still obsessed with because it is just a stand out song and deserves a lot more attention than it gets. It's a little more upbeat than Far From Shore and has a lot more to offer in terms of the different elements that you can hear. The strong vocals really drive this song upwards, with an extraordinary meaning that we have, or will all, feel about someone in our lives at some point. A really beautiful song.

  3. Outerworlds: Definitely my favourite track off the EP. For today, anyway. The song has a very smooth vibe to it, however can we talk about the guitar riff?! It is probably the most standout part for me - oosh. Yes. Outerworlds is a fun, definitive indie-rock song that will genuinely take you to a whole other place, full of cosmos. It gives me a very Surfing on Mars by Mako Road feeling, but in a Lunar type way (and yes, that is a compliment!). Nailed it with this one, guys. This would be a fantastic song to blast with mates on a nice sunny weekend afternoon and have a beer or two while listening to it in the backyard. (Sorry, neighbours!)

  4. Lotus: Oh, damn am I excited about finally hearing the recorded version of this one! Lotus has been played a couple of times live and it is very funky. This would make a great song to be performed at a festival, I can just see them playing somewhere like Bay Dreams and this one being an absolute smash hit. Are you obsessed yet? No? Well, take another listen, because what a banger.

  5. Lucid Dream: Mild Orange. That is who I automatically think of when the song starts - the intro genuinely reminds me of them and though it doesn’t carry on with the MO sound and brings in their own unique vibe, it's a real smooth run the whole way and genuinely a great song through and through. Very easy to listen to.

  6. Ready to Know: I actually have already done a review on this song when it dropped a month or so ago as a single, you can check that out here.

  7. Dizzy: The boys have been hyping this song up for quite some time and it doesn’t disappoint - yet another chilled out, catchy track that you could just pop on your car radio and drive for hours with this on repeat. Alternatively, do yourself a favour, start driving to your favourite place and once you're there or close to, hit the play button. You're not going to regret it. Dizzy is a very calming song for the closing of the EP and it's special. When I tell you that these four know how to put songs in order on a release, they just KNOW. Nearly six beautiful minutes of leaning back and feeling like you've got no responsibilities in life. Love that. A fresh, sweet sound for your ears. Best served with a stunning sunset.


Outerworlds is an EP like no other and I challenge you to find your favourite song off it, bet you it will change tomorrow. I am so unbelieveably blown away with this release that I cannot literally think of any more adjectives to finish off this review apart from “amazing” and a real step up for the lads.

The EP is out on all good music streaming platforms now. Make sure to give it a whirl!


For more Lunar Intruder, check out our fun interview here and keep an eye out on their socials as these boys are onto big things and have a lot more in the works for us to devour!


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