New Music Review - ‘Living is Now’ the album by Simon Hirst
Living is Now - Simon Hirst is someone who proves this every day. His positive attitude is absolutely unmatched. Living is Now was released on 21st May 2022. Photo by Aaron Sami.
Simon Hirst is back with his second album, Living is Now, allowing us to get to a place where we live our lives as they are happening, not sitting back and waiting for changes or the good things to come along, but taking hold and saying “you have to choose how to create your own future otherwise you may miss opportunities to do great things.”
Energetic hooks, life stories and soothing vocals are all incorporated into Living is Now. Simon brings forth this incredibly infectious wave of emotion that helps you to see things from a unique perspective, allowing us to gain some knowledge from this man who is one powerful musician who fills his days with working on his passion, essentially driving himself to always top his previous releases. From ballads and fun-filled, joyous songs, Living is Now has it all.
Living is Now is the opener of the album, coming forth with the important message that the title clearly states - it sends out that oomph of a spark that we all need to hear sometimes. The guitar in the track is the standout - it makes itself known and helps to liven up the song which in turn comes together nicely with Simon’s voice to mix gently the way it is played. Living is Now opens up possibilities and hope for the future, something Simon is exceptionally good at teaching through his meaningful music.
Corporate Lovers is a song that will have your bones quaking. It’s very inviting, you may find yourself singing along to this track throughout the remainder of the week - it is upbeat, yet light at the same time and aims to put you in a good mood, rather than make you feel any dismay of any sort. It’s a fun play on corporate life, I suppose, we definitely need more of that. 10/10.
A Moment Away is a very personal song to Simon, which really comes through when you take the time to listen to the lyrics. It is harmonious, trying to take any negativity out of a rather scary situation and turn it into a life altering positive experience. There is a world of hurt and chaos within this story, however, hearing the light at the end of the tunnel will leave you feeling rather grateful for what you have. I appreciate Simon’s honesty within his creativity, being able to share those moments and connect with listeners is something that always wows me when I hear new releases from him.
Everything. A sweet, yet simple song that deserves its time in the spotlight. It has the emotion of yearning to bring someone back that you may no longer have in your life, something that everyone will experience on different levels throughout their time on earth. At the same time, it conveys the message that everything is actually alright near the ending of the tune. It has a soft touch of harmonica at the very beginning that sends ripples of country energy into it, a perfect element to the 9th song on the album. Everything has this nostalgic moment to it, allowing the magical, good memories to be bought forward that may have been forgotten in the mix of hands of the clock.
Make sure you check out Simon’s work and follow him on all of his socials below:
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