New Music Review - ‘Lights Burn Low’ by Gabriel Bond

The Lights Burn Low shot is just one of the most incredible things I’ve seen in terms of art work. Love this one so much! Photo credit: Josh White.

Owl City - oops, I mean Gabriel Bond - is dishing up the ultimate love song that will certainly fill your heart with the most warmth you’ve probably felt in quite some time. This stunning track is about to have you on the floor, with puddles of tears beneath you and it is very easy to see why I’d say this when you hear his fresh drop.

Lights Burn Low is one of the most golden, iconic and treasurable romantic songs of 2021. There, I said it. It is much more than a beautiful masterpiece and there are many words to describe Gabriel’s skills and talent, but I am personally at a loss for inserting the correct words into this review, which makes a change!

Gabriel’s voice puts him at top level of one of my new favourite up-and-coming Kiwi artists who should be at the height of musicians that you wrap your head around and turn the volume up to.

Lights Burn Low will make you feel like a giddy little kid on Christmas morning, but 10x more intensified - how groovy is that? If you don’t believe that, you might just need to click on the link above and test this theory out for yourself. This one is for the lovers and the lovers of love, anyone with a romantic head and heart, essentially.

Imagine the perfect first date, accompanied with your dream partner with many happy twists and turns, that’s what Gabriel’s songs feel like. The over-the-moon, in the stars moment that is so majestic that you could never picture it ending.

In Lights Burn Low, Gabriel talks about not caring about what the girl looks like, what she is wearing as she always looks fine to him. He is daring to send out into the world that he values the time spent with her, even if it makes him look silly when he tries to dance, or the fact that he intends to spend all evening with her through to when she has to go to work early the next day. It can sometimes take a lot for males to express their feelings like this, however, I feel that Gabriel put a special twang on it and is honest about what he feels, which us females like to hear from time to time.

Lights Burn Low will literally melt you, just like an ice block on those blistering hot days. Trust me, this is one song that you will be glad to have been melted by, no questions asked. Just listening to the lyrics, you can hear the passion and care that Gabriel has about his art and he continues to amaze with bringing out tracks that are classy and tell you more about what kind of person he is.

Turn out the lights and listen to this one until the sun rises tomorrow morning - you might even find a new piece of mind from the glow of Lights Burn Low.

You can find Gabriel at the below -



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