New Music Review - ‘Hero Skies’ by Dolphin Friendly

How gorgeous is the art for the cover of Hero Skies! A glowing owl. Who would’ve thought - so epic. Hero Skies, available NOW!

Preash. The Dolphin Friendly lads are here to take us on a new, trippy rollercoaster with their first single in nearly a year, Hero Skies, released on 5th November 2021. Dolphin Friendly have adopted a new, fresher sound with this mix and their upcoming EP, levelling up from their previous releases and this one will make you absolutely fizz and allow you to put that extra dash of spice back into your life. This song is not for the faint-hearted, so make sure to get yourself prepared, this is going to keep you on your toes with excitement. The track is essentially setting out the framework for what the guys are going to be handing us over the next while, get ready to take a ride with this one, so strap yourself in.

With infectious, hardcore rock sounds that will have you head banging so hard that you may need to glue your glasses to your face (me while listening to it), you’re going to absolutely dig this new vibe that Dolphin Friendly are going for and appreciate the elements that have been used in this track. The band worked with Connor Jaine (CJ) of Mako Road on this track and it certainly comes through how well they collaborate on songs, which has been continuous over the newest EP they have been working on, coming together as a clear dream team.

Hero Skies pays respect and thankfulness to the bands musical inspirations who have passed on, hence the name of the song. To pay homage to the heroes that are now in the skies above is something that I personally would never thought of for a musical idea and that is what makes the song a really spectacular listen because it is so different, yet it speaks many volumes. They are reaching out to these musicians that have helped them pave their way in the music industry - while Dolphin Friendly set themselves out individually from the crowd, they have taken some tricks from former musicians who walked this earth and inserted the power ques from them into their songs.

The psychedelic video for the song is one of the most impressive that I’ve seen this year. Produced and edited by Wade McClelland of Made by Wade and Bradon McCaughey, it will awaken every part of you.

Hero Skies is one of the least serious tracks off the upcoming EP, however, as a band, Dolphin Friendly have never limited themselves to anything and they are always willing to try to put their thumbs in many different pies which makes them so fantastic to continue to listen to. They make such an impression that it will sound like fireworks going off on each new track that you hear from them. Once you hear Dolphin Friendly, you are never going to get them out of your head and that is an absolute promise.

The creative lyrics jump out at you and add fuel to the incredibly fiery song that is Hero Skies, so make sure to go and have a listen to the track which is available worldwide now for your listening pleasure!

Brilliant song, bloody wonderful men, they are absolutely worth following their journey and seeing what their next steps are.


More Dolphin Friendly at the links below -

Lifetime Tour Review - Welcome to the Gig
Big T on the Podcast - Welcome to the Gig


Welcome to the Gig will be soon doing international musician write-ups! Please contact me via the links at the top of the website if you wish to touch base for consideration of write-ups.


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