New Music Review - ‘Girl at Night’ by There’s A Tuesday

The importance of allowing females to be safe at night is a huge topic and it needs to be talked about more. Girl at Night was released on Monday, 9th May 2022. Artwork by Lucy.

There’s A Tuesday are constantly making big moves in allowing their voices to be heard. Whether that be on issues regarding pride, mental health or most recently, being a female at night and not feeling safe, they stand up for what they believe in, allowing that to feed into their musical abilities.

Girl at Night is one of the most important recent releases that every person on earth needs to hear and take in for consideration (females, males, non-binary, etc.)

There’s A Tuesday are known for their fun tunes, however, this touches on one of the most serious safety topics that you could imagine. I applaud There’s A Tuesday for their open honesty, allowing conversations to be blown wide open in order for things to be changed. As we know, change can take some time, however, if There’s A Tuesday can bring forth a revolution to start something in order to help, then I’m so glad they released this meaningful song.

Being a female myself, I can relate to the lyrics from Girl At Night and it’s very evident that others feel the same, as the song has been out for just over a week now and has a decent amount of listens, gaining traction from all corners of both New Zealand and our Australian neighbours. It has sold itself on another scale which is both captivating and inspiring from the get go.

Girl At Night pings at the heart with the sheer importance of the dream of being able to feel safe at any time of the day, especially during the night when we all just want to go out and have fun, not constantly worrying and having to look over our shoulders.

While the song is serious, the instruments played are still very There’s A Tuesday-esque and don’t bog the tune down by any means, which is something that is admirable about the way they bring their songs together.

Nat was the brains behind the lyrics for Girl At Night, so on behalf of everybody that feels unsafe being alone at night, thank you for sharing these emotions with the universe.

You can check out more There’s A Tuesday below -

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